AUTARKING AG is a trading and service company based in Weesen in the canton of St. Gallen. Since 1988, we have been offering solutions for mobile power supplies in special and emergency vehicles, as well as in the marine sector. Thanks to our long-standing market presence, we can build on an excellent base of well-known customers and suppliers.

As the main importer of various companies such as z.B. Victron-Energy or Super-B, we offer you a wide range of diverse products with various services such as Multiplus, Quattros, inverters, chargers or lithium batteries. We try to complete our range with various small, helpful accessories.

We will be happy to assist you with the project planning of energy systems and create an indicative diagram for you on request.

Roland Reutimann Sandra Reutimann Silvio Franceschini Daniel Maronka
roland reutimann sandra reutimann silvio franceschini daniel moronka
Pulls the strings, establishes contacts and organises training courses. Processes invoices and orders, dispatches products and handles administrative tasks Designs systems, maintains the web shop, solves difficult cases
and explains the technology .
Helps with technical questions, installs equipment, checks systems and coordinates the workshop.

Fulfils impossible wishes
and solves unusual

Thanks to our experience, we offer our customers a personalised and comprehensive service that ranges from advice and installation to the repair of our products.

Starting out as a small company in Wolfhausen under the name LEAB, we have evolved over the years in the field of AUTARCY.

Passion for our work means that we only offer our customers products of the highest quality, which are guaranteed to meet your needs and satisfy you! With a motivated team, we strive to be the creative minds. That's why we are always looking for innovative new ways to offer you the best possible service.